This is an official website for the Nintendo DS games, Pokemon Daimond, Pokemon Pearl, and Pokemon Platinum.
The 3D glode in the centre rotates so the front locks onto a current trade, so you're not forced to just watch small windows all the time.
Not only that, but you are also able to search among the thousands of pokemon that are being uploaded and traded within seconds. This saves the time you would've wasted looking for them on your Nintendo DS game, which this website is a commercial product of.
There's also a daily journal, included with the most recommended pokemon and their moves, so you can discover the highlights of the DS. There's a poll on it, in which you place your vote and it is sent online, and it then shows a total percentage on that poll.
all, if not most, of the buttons are interactive. You can click a country flag, and it'll show you the pokemon available from that country, and you can even bookmark your areas and pokemon, so you don't have to write it all down.
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